Saturday, September 24, 2022

My Howling

"My Howling" A howling exists in my heart, I feel its rage, its ache, I can feel its primal, feral, existence as it sends its angry sorrowful howls to the muted walls of my heart, Where only I can hear, Where only I can feel every moment of its pain as it desparately tries to be heard outside of the prison I have kept it in. It begins its howling moans once again upon my soul as it bellows long drawn cries trying to manifest itself againsy my will, creating claws, teeth, fingers and a face, shredding at the walls, ripping and scratching to get out, roaring with gnarled rage. There's a howling that exists in my heart, and I will not let it get out, for the sake of myself, and perhaps for the sake of others.