Monday, September 19, 2022

A ways Away

"A ways Away" I've come to realize I relish in being miserable, for I now know it is only in those moments I can find the beauty of the world; Only willing to see it from a distance rather than being among it; Just a ways away, back behind the distant and faintest of memories, existing far off becoming long and dim and almost gone to gray. Too distant to ever want to be a part of it again. However, I feel I could only ever find that beauty to see if I were a ways away, like a painting with its beautiful brushstrokes and elegant colors, standing steps back to see its whole existence open bare for me to witness. Only then would I believe in the beauty, Only then would I relish my misery just as I do; Just so the world can be beautiful to me. But only if I stand a ways away. Only then.

-Armando Torres