Saturday, September 24, 2022

For Fear

"For Fear"
I don't look 
at anyone 
in the eyes 
for fear they may 
   discover the sadness 
   I'm hiding 
   just behind 
the glossed sheen in my own.

The weight of its
slow, solemn ache 
is hidden inside my bones 
below my thin 
delicate skin 
the shamefull sadness 
does not find a path 
toward my eyes 
and release itself 
from within me 
into perfect 
crystal salt drips 
for all the world to see,

I don't look at anyone anymore, 
   let alone 
   their keen eyes. 
I'm too scared 
to even look 
into my own 
for fear 
I may see something 
I have  tried to ignore.  

I have chosen to not see 
and instead have watched 
as my thoughts 
form what I perceive 
what the world will be,
and I stay back behind
a carefully crafted
that if I stay just still enough,
the world will just forget about me.
I can finally never worry
about all those eyes
and I can restfully
close my own
never having to look
into them again.
-Armando Torres