Thursday, October 24, 2019

call to you

"call to you"
There was a time
in the not too distant past,
Where all I was
     Was perhaps,
An enemy to myself.
And things were not fine,
For you and I.
There was a thought
I would just not let die however,
A thought I knew to be true,
That I love you.
With the very essence of my existence.
No matter where you go,
Or how far apart we are,
My soul
Will always
Call out
To you.
-Armando Torres

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

para ti

"para ti"
Por qué cuando te veo,
I see not only you
Pero nosotros,

Everything I have ever done,

All my choices I have ever made,
Me trajo aquí, contigo,
My life, mi vida,
Everthing I am
Was always meant for you,
Y ahora tenemos
     the rest of our lives
Para amarnos
El uno al otro,
Te quiero.
I love you.
Yessenia. Con toda mi alma.
-Armando Torres