Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Water and Salt

"Water and Salt"
The minutes of now 
begin to flake away 
leaving behind 
only the seconds 
of the past 
to look at,
I feel it 
at the sides of my eyes,
a pressure trying to swell,
I want to cry 
but need to know why 
before these tears can fall,
while they just linger 
behind these stares of mine 
as I stretch my lips into smiles,
there will be a point 
some time in the future 
where I will walk 
the echoes of memory 
in the same exact spots 
where I'm standing now 
when these tears will finally fall,
but for now 
I stare ahead blankly 
wondering why 
I can't cry 
even when all the pain 
is enough for this water and salt.
-Armando Torres