"We Are Connected"
As much as I hate it,
we are connected,
when you hurt, I hurt.
When you are in pain, I feel the guilt
and don't know where it came,
I just know
the strands of existence
that entwine your heart
to this plane
also intertwine
with mine
and I sometimes
can feel
the pull of purpose
coming from
a higher celestial realm
and feel the things you feel.
I have tried to know why
but instead now
just accept
that we are connected
even though
you are the most awful thing
I ever regret allowing
on the pages of my life.
You will die someday
and I expect
the hurt and emptiness to overtake
my being,
allowing myself
to become something else.
I look around
and just know
that no one knows
the burden of you
but they all see
that we are cursed
with connected tissue
to be one and the same.
We are connected
even when we shouldn't.
Residual experiences
that should have
long bled
into the liquid of existence
and left me the fuck alone.
But here I am again,
hurting again,
and not knowing why
but understanding,
you are going through something
that I don't fucking care for.
I hate it.
I hate that we are connected.
-Armando Torres
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