I've gone through most of my life
trying to find value in myself
through other people's filters,
trying to be the solution
in other people's riddles,
The world just feels easier
when I can look in the mirror
with no tears
and accept myself.
There's parts of me
I hate so much,
parts I used to love,
parts I thought defined me
but ended up
just weapons
I used against myself.
My ego won't be stripped away
so easily,
it'll claw and scrape and rip,
roaring with angry survivalist's instincts,
Scared beyond insecurity
and surviving in my self destruction.
I have to face the fact
that I'm sorry
to myself,
for letting me believe
all the wrong in me
was what defined me.
I need to find the sincere feeling
so that when
I say it in the mirror
it means I won't ever do it again.
I'm sorry.
-Armando Torres
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