Friday, January 3, 2020

broken bare

"broken bare"
My misery feels as if it has always been here,
There's memory now 
lingering on the air, 
a longing 
for a joyous time that is no longer,

My sorrow hangs low on my face
Sinking my eyes into their holes
and sagging my age over my skin, 

I look tired because i am tired,

My mind slowly declines into despair 
as the ache of my life hits suddenly and often,
I haven't seen a day 
without the twinge of gray everywhere 
in such a long time,

My misery hides behind these joyous eyes,
Behind outstretched smiles,
Behind my lies of happiness,

I no longer want to say anything or let my inner self out 
because i feel i will further 
be deconstructed,

I have been stripped down and broken bare,
I am only a shell of what i was,
I hold on to what precious little i have of myself in secret,
Away from all the things that would have what is left erased 
for their own personal gain,
To bend and break me to their will 
until i am no longer me 
but instead who they think i am and should be.
-Armando Torres