Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Things i think i lost

"Things i think i lost"
I think I must have lost 
my honesty 
somewhere on the wind
after I told you how I felt;
   I do know I dropped 
   my courage 
   somewhere beside the road
   when I said 
   I could be that person for you;
I thought I had gained 
more than I was giving up
but I ended up leaving behind
so many things 
not knowing I was changing 
and never should have given up 
all those things 
I wish I could have back;

You were my deconstruction;
pieces of myself started to fall off like 
some kind of
old machine still churning 
and shaking
for a purpose no longer important;

My sincerity was snatched away 
in the heat of the summer
by your devilish whisperings 
telling me I was wrong;
swiftly gliding in and grabbing it away 
with your pointy fingers
and explaining to me my own feelings;

I know my optimism was stolen 
by the dreary cold of winter, 
blowing its chill on my neck 
as I spent 
all those dark hours alone in bed;

It was my fault though
my kindness was left forgotten 
in some corner 
of some random room 
long ago, 
I know you didn't care
but I did try anyway;
I was lonely, 
and I thought you were where
my life was supposed to be;
ended up 
leaving more things 
I now continue to try 
to live without;

You were the end 
of so many things about me
that I still lament;
if I could go back 
and retrace my steps
and reclaim the things I lost
I would 
without hesistation;

Though you were my deconstruction
I have found 
it did not stop
once you took enough pieces;
they continue to fall away 
like an old structure
missing its foundation;

Trying to find me again
I left behind my confidence 
below the white pine 
on the bench I used to visit, 
I lost my intellect at some bar 
in some glass 
I was drinking from, 
my imagination vanished 
when I set it down 
on the corner of 1st and walker, 
it must have been stolen 
or taken 
by mistake 
or I may have given it away; 

I can't seem to find my compassion 
or my memory anymore 
so I must have lost those 
at some point as well 
or maybe they are still packed away 
in one of my many boxes 
in the closet 
perhaps forgetting 
that I have some things 
still hidden 
because I don't really have a place 
to start unpacking all these things; 

I feel like a bare bones 
version of myself, 
barely having anything 
of worth left;
Just a fleshy package 
of meat and emotion
taking another breath.
-Armando Torres