"Things i think i lost"
I think I must have lost
my honesty
somewhere on the wind
after I told you how I felt;
I know I dropped
my courage
somewhere beside the road
when I said
I could be that person for you;
I thought I had gained
more than I was giving up
but ended up leaving behind
so many things
not knowing I was changing;
realizing now
I never should have given away
so easily
all those things
I wish I could have back;
You were my deconstruction.
Pieces of myself started
to shake loose and fall off like
some kind of
old machine still churning
and shaking
for a purpose no longer important;
Trying to find myself again
I left behind
my confidence
below the white pine
on the bench
I used to visit
when sadness had me suffocating;
I lost my intellect
at some bar
in some glass
I was drinking from,
my imagination vanished
when I set it down
on the corner of fifth,
it must have been stolen
or taken
by mistake
or I may have given it away;
My optimism was pulled from me
by the dreary cold of winter,
gracefully touching its chill
on my neck
as I spent
all those dark hours
alone in bed;
they continue to fall away
like an old structure
missing its foundation
barely staying upright
as time rots it
around the edges and from within;
I stand upright
still not broken
missing pieces
though maybe only a little bent
but still not broken.
-Armando Torres
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