"My Faintest Image"
There you are in my faintest image,
in the corner of my mind.
There you are smiling back at me
forever forgetting me
And that life
we were once supposed to have;
nothing more now
than just
a ghostly collage of memories.
They haunt me so deep.
I fight back these sorrow filled tears
just to remember them,
All those moments,
gone to time
but still here in the present
to remind me that all I want to say is...
I miss you.
But I would be the only one to hear it.
there you stay
in my faintest image.
Missing you and your smile,
the touch of your lips against mine,
the comfort your arms around me brings.
I miss you I do but
I'll never say it.
Everything we had in that life
that existed between us
has fallen
into dark water,
Sinking further with every passing moment.
Reaching for it
have fallen in too.
I look up and watch you
as I drown away
into infinite darkness,
grabbing wildly upward,
desperate to be remembered.
I miss you I do, but,
I'll never say it.
Sinking further down still,
into the dark of infinite,
your picture exists
in my faintest image,
haunting me,
making me cry tears
mixing my existence inside irrelevance,
where reality will never see,
All that is left in the end
of proof I was ever really here,
are the haunting echoes
of your sweet
"I love you's"
-Armando Torres
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