Wednesday, February 26, 2025

without shape

"without shape"
I want to write things 
that make me feel 
the same way 
a sad song can tear 
through my heart,
or how a lavishly orange sunset 
can look like 
painted brushstrokes of art, 
to find the right way 
to phrase 
certain words that allows 
my nostalgia to play 
with my melancholy, 
   so that my memories 
   can find 
   the meaning inside 
   elegant piano melodies 
where otherwise 
   would be just empty sadness 
   with no outlet 
   for release,

I want to find the words 
that describe what my soul 
is feeling,
that uncanny sensation 
where the formless 
takes shape 
as it crashes upon 
the diaphanous boundaries 
of what is ethereal 
and what is corporeal 
creating what I know 
as emotion,

Without any of my words 
that allows me 
to understand it 
I cannot know what it is 
that I am actually feeling 
other than knowing 
that it is in fact 
something to be felt,
   it is as tangible as touch 
   and as formless as sight,

Without the keys 
to the lock 
all I will know 
is there is a door 
with something behind it,
   I just know 
   there are ways 
   in any language 
   to communicate 
this deep well of things 
that I feel 
   that have no form.
-Armando Torres

Friday, February 14, 2025

see you around

"see you around"
your memory 
tends to linger with me 
even though 
I know 
we were wrong romantically,
I wish we could go back 
to being friends, 
back before the wreckage 
we left in our wake,

it was always too much 
to ignore, 
too much to not 
take a chance 
but in the end, we did 
and in the process 
all that we had before,

there are moments I miss, sure 
and with time 
we may perhaps mend 
but knowing all the hurt 
I just don't know 
if there is enough time 
in a single lifetime 
to heal 
the depths of our wounds, 
   so I wish you well 
   and who knows, maybe 
I'll see you on the other side.
-Armando Torres

Thursday, February 13, 2025

it's nice to see you

"it's nice to see you"
Here we are again, 
feeling the same way again, 
what do we do this time, 
I'm not sure, 
I'm not even 
supposed to have any memory 
of this 
beyond the threshold 
of the veil, 

Only the primordial feeling 
of connection 
that we will always have 
no matter where we exist 
in the cosmos should be there 
but for some reason
I remember everything; 

I don't know what will happen 
this time 
but for some reason 
the powers at be 
have allowed me 
to retain all my memories,
I can see 
this is 
the same stretch of time 
we once had 
but we are at the beginning 
of the connection once again 
and perhaps I think I do know 
what I would have
to do
but it's not the right time.

I think 
could be 
that my heart is finally 
realizing that yes, 
I do in fact love you 
but sadly 
we are 
in the wrong stretch of time 
this time.
But It was nice to see you though.
-Armando Torres

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Stygian Stars

"Stygian Stars"
He found himself 
in the place 
where the black stars hang, 
so far beyond 
the comprehension 
of what our minds 
can claim, 
a supreme madness 
so invariably consuming 
to the sensitive fleshy souls 
of humans 
that there is no returning 
to any part 
that was you 
that existed before
the descent into insanity,

was it Hell, 
for he did not know, 
the only thing that was certain 
was the sensation 
of his mind flaying 
under the slicing pressure 
of this place,
an insufferable pain 
gripped his sanity 
as he witnessed things 
words cannot explain,

even if he could understand 
he could never know 
what was happening, 
had he died, 
was he alive,
why was he swimming 
in the black seas of infinity,

time was fluid here, 
he could feel every moment 
of his life being 
excruciatingly stripped away, 
layer by layer, 
detail by detail, 
inch by inch, 

everything he had ever done, 
every lie he had ever said, 
every joy he ever felt, 
ripped away from him 
as each second 
felt like a thousand years,

each memory happening 
over and over until 
it was too precious 
to give up 
before being torn away 
like tufts of hair 
being torn away 
from his scalp,

And after thousands upon thousands 
of years have passed 
no part of him was human 
any longer, 
he had been stripped and flayed 
and gone through a process of transformation 
leaving him beyond 
our comprehension 
in that place where the black stars hang.
-Armando Torres


I keep dreaming an image 
of your hand clasped 
in mine, 
interlocked fingers 
with each one 
the other 
slightly bent inward 
holding tightly 
each other's hands. 

I can't seem 
to get it out of my dreams, 
it's an image I know I have seen 
so many times before 
in reality, 
   but know now 
   I won't again 
   outside of my dreams.

I can still see vividly 
the textures of your skin, 
the hue and creases 
of your hand, 
your painted fingernails, 
the tiny scar you have 
on your knuckle, 
I can still even remember 
how cold your hands 
always seemed to be, 
always wanting to warm them 
with mine.

I would from time to time 
turn your hand over 
and look at the fine lines 
stretching across 
your palms 
gently sliding the tip 
of my finger 
over your heart line 
before touching 
your entire palm with mine 
and sliding my fingers in between yours
and holding your hand like 
it would be forever.
-Armando Torres